Supported Living with Zetetick Housing for 13 years
The idea of supported living is now a recognised model for providing housing for people with learning disabilities, but when Zetetick started up in 2007 that was far from the case. There were no supported living providers, most people with learning disabilities were either living at home with their parents – unsustainable in the long term – or in residential care, where life was regulated. Zetetick’s aim was always to give fair access to high-quality homes to disadvantaged people who would not otherwise have that opportunity, in particular people with learning disabilities, and ensure that with the right support they were empowered to live as independently as possible. We saw that by sourcing homes in the private rental market we could make things happen quickly and at the same time ensure that the accommodation was tailored to the needs of the tenant.
Our experience in supported living housing is now extensive and we have been working with landlords, letting agents, property owners and developers for over 13 years. Do you own or represent property in south London or the southern counties? Do you want a deal that ensures a regular income with no vacancies, voids or worries where the property and garden is maintained by professionals? Then don’t wait, get in touch now.
Contact usRise of the supported living model
Moving onto 2009 the government report Valuing People Now: A New Three-Year Strategy for people with learning disabilities called for more housing options and choice for people with learning disabilities. Then in 2012 the white paper Caring for our future: reforming care and support called for more person-centred approach and focussed on fulfilment of potential and the right to have a life – a social life, a family life, a work-life. This report also called for better coordination of services to make this happen, and this is where Zetetick excels.
Zetetick housing facilitate care, property owners and local authorities
Zetetick has a wealth of experience in facilitating teams made up of our partners in local authorities, care commissioners, health services, care and support providers, landlords and property developers to find the right kind of home for each individual tenant while providing the best value and return on investment for our partners. We facilitated such a team for our very first tenant, someone with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour who came to us from a secure unit where they were isolated and locked up for long periods. This tenant is still with us 13 years later in a home near to family, and their life has completely turned around.
Henderson House development
Last year Zetetick housing was excited to open Henderson House in Croydon, a project we put together with a property developer, the local authority and a support provider to convert a disused film processing plant into a beautifully designed, modern building containing 10 high-quality flats and a communal area and office space for the shared 24/7 support staff. As well as being a lovely place to live for our tenants, the project offers the local authority very reasonably priced, quality supported living housing and provides a sound investment for the developer.
For all Zetetick’s partners we aim to bring best practice and best value:
- Tenants – high-quality, safe and happy homes
- Landlords – a lease with Zetetick, no voids, guaranteed rents, in-house maintenance team who look after your property to the highest standards Letting agents – do you want an ideal arrangement for your clients?
- Property developers – work with us to transform building or create bespoke housing and get a healthy return on your investment
- Care and support providers – we take the pressure off property for you so you can concentrate on supporting the tenant Care providers, Covid-19 and coming home
- Care commissioners and local authorities – value for money quality supported living homes from a specialist provider who can act quickly Care commissioners – are you missing a trick?
If you would like to discuss how we could work together please get in touch. We are a highly flexible and adaptable organisation who can react quickly, which is particularly important during the pandemic. By working together we can do so much.
Zetetick Housing is a registered charity specialising in providing exempt accommodation to vulnerable tenants under the specified clauses of housing legislation.
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