Table of Contents
Turkey Stuffing for Thanksgiving or Christmas
Yes yes, you can buy ready mix turkey stuffing, but it is just not the same as homemade stuffing for your turkey at Christmas
Chestnut stuffing – Ingredients
large tin of chestnut Puree
I egg
I onion (chopped and sauteed)
2-3 slices of wholemeal bread ground to breadcrumbs
knob of butter
Method for turkey stuffing
Mix all together and add the stuffing to the front of the turkey
Forcemeat or sausage-meat stuffing – Ingredients
1 large packet of sausage-meat
3 slices of bread ground for breadcrumbs
1 egg
the zest of half a lemon
a large bunch of fresh herbs, parsley sage and thyme, finely chopped
add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix together
add to the neck end of the turkey and secure the skin over with a skewer, this part may need to be covered with foil during cooking to stop burning.
I also like to force this stuffing under the skin of the bird at the neck end so some of it goes over the breast of the bird and creates a way of keeping the breast basted and moist.
So here is Turkey Stuffing for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but can be used on Chicken as well. If you like it why not donate so we can ensure more people get a roof over their head and can taste this on Christmas day this year.
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