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Real Coffee – A Recipe to make Turkish Coffee

Real Coffee – A Recipe to make Turkish Coffee

Coffee, its the one thing I have been missing. Our deputy CEO found this in an old family accounts book,  not sure where it’s from, but his father, as he says certainly had the gear to make it, I think it dates back to the 1950s. When turkish coffee became very fashionable.

A copper coffeepot with a long handle and without a lid should be used…the coffee should be served in very small Turkish coffee cups

For four small cups use the following quantities:

Begin to boil 4 cups of water in your pot

Add six lumps of sugar

Add 4 teaspoons of coffee to the boiling water and sugar

Stir until the mixture comes to the boil and is frothy

Remove from the heat to allow the froth subside, then replace the pot on the heat and boil again

Repeat this operation 4 times

Pour the coffee

Pour a little Turkish coffee into each cup and divide the froth amongst the cups

If you want to serve in a larger cup then increase the amount of coffee to a dessert spoon per cup.

Hey cool fashionable coffee from the 50s before Nescafe took the day.


“Barahona Paraiso Coffee Beans, Small, Turkish Grind” (Coffee Direct)


If you use this Turkish coffee recipe and find it to your liking then please donate to support us

About the author

Jonathan is the CEO of the charity Zetetick Housing

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