Table of Contents
The Zetetick Newsletter
The Zetetick newsletter is about to be printed and released, if you want to find out more about what we are doing and have done then sign up now
Housing News! Get the lowdown on all the latest on supported housing, find out about events we’ve had and some in the future.
Trends! What’s new in housing and supported living?
Ideas and ideals!Find out about our charity through the Zetetick newsletter its values, its volunteers, things we are raising funds for…
Articles! Our regular posts on this website are also worth a look
So…what do I get?
We send out our newsletter twice a year in paper and digital format and maybe one or two other messages, but no more— so no bombarding your inbox daily.
We promise…
We’ll never sell your details or pass them on to third parties, and you can opt out of the Zetetick Newsletter at any time. Our full privacy policy is available here.
Nows your chance sign up to the Zetetick Newsletter now