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S. London Office
Finance Office
01273 076512 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 The Barn, 3 North Court Lewes, East Sussex. BN7 2AR
0208 968 0812 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Unit 6, Pilton Estate, Pitlake, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 3RA
0800 03 08 009 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Innovation centre Highfield drive, St Leonards, East Sussex. TN38 9UH
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S. London Office
Finance Office
01273 076512 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 The Barn, 3 North Court Lewes, East Sussex. BN7 2AR
0208 968 0812 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Unit 6, Pilton Estate, Pitlake, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 3RA
0800 03 08 009 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Innovation centre Highfield drive, St Leonards, East Sussex. TN38 9UH
Exempt Provider of Homes
For adults with Learning Disabilities
Not Just Housing
A Registered Charity
And We're People

FAQ | Love The Definitive Zetetick Answers

Zetetick > FAQ | Love The Definitive Zetetick Answers

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

All on one page the most commonly asked questions, answered.

We hope these answer many of your queries, but if you have further questions please just give us a call.


Zetetick is a unique housing charity, supporting vulnerable adults obtain and sustain their tenancies and become valued members of their local communities.


Since our charity was established in 2007, we have seen the lives of many tenants significantly change for the better.


We specialise in seeking properties from the open private rental market. Zetetick can supply a broad range of property types, subject to our quality checks and any specific needs of the tenants.

How will rent be funded and paid?

Our rents (excluding the Tenant Service Charge) are covered by the tenant’s eligibility for Housing Benefit or the housing portion of Universal Credit. Starting in 2019, the funding for exempt accommodation may change, and your Local Authority may need to supplement your rent with Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP).

The Local Authority (LA) may charge a fee for financial assessment, which the tenant will need to cover. Zetetick Housing will receive all Housing Benefit payments directly.

How much is the tenant service charge and finance assessment

Our weekly charge will be £35, with annual reviews. Due to the significant rise in utility bills (electric, gas, and water) that we take care of, the service charge will increase considerably in the next two years. The financial assessment by the LA is based on the tenant’s income, so we cannot provide an advance estimate. In the majority of cases, there is no other tenant contribution.

What does the service charge pay for?

According to the rules of Housing Benefit(HB), the cost of water and personal use of heating and lighting cannot be covered by HB funding. As a result, we have decided to follow the calculations recommended by the Government, which may be subject to occasional changes.

Who pays the house bills, utilities etc?

This option is available for the tenant(s). The tenant(s) can choose to have the utility bills in their name and fund them directly. However, our standard practice is for Zetetick Housing to handle and cover all utility bills on behalf of the tenant(s).
There are specific expenses that the tenant(s) are responsible for paying directly. These include the TV license, pay-for-TV services, internet/broadband installation and charges, and ongoing house telephone costs (ZH will only cover the installation). This includes calls and line rental.

Who pays for maintenance and repairs?

Zetetick Housing takes care of all maintenance and repairs, including the funding. When evaluating each referral, an allocation for repairs is determined based on the expected demand, which means it may differ depending on the assessed behaviour and needs of the tenant.

Does Zetetick make a charge?

Yes! We do include a management charge in the rent agreement, which helps cover the administrative expenses of our charity and the services we provide to our tenants. This charge is funded through Housing Benefit or DHP.

We have a personal budget/direct payment, can you help us?

Certainly, there are certain conditions that need to be met. To make sure that the rental is affordable, we need to obtain exempt accommodation status for the service. Please refer to the questions regarding ‘exempt accommodation’ and ‘can we choose the support provider’ for more information. By using direct payment, you can either contract Zetetick Housing directly or choose one of our nominated Support Providers, which will fulfill our criteria for exempt housing eligibility.

We want to employ our own Personal Assistant (PA) can Zetetick house us?

Certainly, there are certain conditions that need to be met. To make sure that the rental is affordable, we must obtain exempt accommodation status for the service.

You can find more information about this in the section on ‘exempt accommodation’ in the questions.

To summarize, there are two aspects that require attention:
– Contracting some direct support with Zetetick Housing.
– Managing the PA’s either partially or entirely through an approved quality Support Provider.

Can anyone get a house from Zetetick?

Absolutely! We are here to assist individuals who receive social care support, allowing our services to be recognized as Exempt Accommodation.

What is exempt accommodation

This is where the Landlord, who offers the accommodation, is either a Local Authority (Council) or a not-for-profit organization (Charities) that also gives support to its tenants, either directly or through a third party acting on behalf of the Landlord.

Where do you get your houses and where are they based?

At present, we source and lease all our properties from the private rental market. We currently have properties in the south London boroughs and in the south-east counties.

Do you own and buy properties?

Yes, most of our properties are leased exclusively for our tenants. However, we also purchase properties and oversee their management for NHS tenants. Additionally, we have recently begun acquiring properties to ensure the security of our tenants’ homes.

What types of homes do you provide?

As we lease properties from the open market, we have the ability to provide a wide range of options, from studio flats to spacious detached houses. Since we do not own any properties ourselves, we are not limited by the availability of vacant homes. When it comes to housing referrals, we treat each one as a unique service and carefully select accommodations that meet the specific requirements of each new tenant.

I was promised a home for life

The concept of a ‘home for life’ is no longer a priority in Government strategies. Many local Councils now only provide short-term tenancies, even though they own the property, in order to maintain flexibility for future changes. Unfortunately, council housing is in high demand and often has lengthy waiting lists.  We aim to be your Landlord for life if you want us to be. The very first tenant we gave a home to is still with us, but now in a different home.

Why Zetetick and not the Council?

Council housing is in short supply, and there are often lengthy waiting lists (usually over a year). Housing Associations collaborate with Councils to develop and construct housing based on local plans. However, these plans are predetermined years in advance and cannot cater to unexpected immediate housing needs. Zetetick Housing addresses this local demand and fills the gap in social housing requirements.

Isn't the private market less secure than a Housing Association?

It’s not always the case. Certain Councils, working with their HA partners, usually offer AST agreements that last for 12 months or less. Instead of the more secure and protected AST agreement, local Councils often prefer to issue short-term weekly licenses.

What happens when I wanted to live independently?

While we may not be able to provide a “home for life”, we are dedicated to being your “lifelong landlord”. As long as you require assistance to live in the community and meet our eligibility requirements, we will continue to support and fulfil all your housing needs, both presently and in the future. When the time comes for you to move on, we will ensure that you are provided with new homes that adapt and evolve alongside you.

Have you and will you evict tenants?

Certainly, it is indeed possible, although it would be considered a final option, if the tenant’s situation undergoes such significant changes that it renders the tenancy unviable.

What type of tenancy do you offer?

As a general rule we offer Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreements. However depending on individual circumstances we, on occasion, offer weekly licenses.

How long are the tenancies?

These terms may vary depending on each person’s situation. However, we strive to provide a 3-year, minus one day, AST agreement whenever the Head Lease rental term allows us to do so. Typically, the rental term in our AST agreements, with tenants, aligns with the remaining term in the Head Lease.

What happens if the owner wants their house back.

As parents, it’s natural to worry about our vulnerable children’s future. We all have to accept that there are no lifelong homes. What really matters is the support provided by organizations like Zetetick Housing, rather than just the physical buildings. If a move becomes necessary in the future, Zetetick Housing’s charitable goals ensure that alternative accommodation is found, protecting the tenant’s rights and making the transition as smooth as possible. This is done in collaboration with the tenant, their responsible Local Authority, Support Provider, and family members.

How good is Zetetick at finding homes

Zetetick Housing has been in operation for more than 17 years, with a portfolio of over 120 properties and a commitment to supporting over 170 disabled tenants. The key to our success in finding suitable homes lies in the referral brief. While locating a bungalow in central London may seem like an insurmountable challenge, it is comparatively easier to find a two-bedroom flat in a specific borough.

Are we offered a choice

Sure! We are happy to provide up to 3 options for you to consider before we remove any referrals from our list. Since the properties we offer are from the open rental market, we are affected by the same market conditions as everyone else. This means that if we decline a property today, it is highly unlikely to still be available tomorrow if you happen to change your mind.

Can family be involved in a chosing a home?

Yes, it is important to consider market conditions. We kindly request that all decision-makers be available within 24 hours to view or visit a potential property. If we are unable to make a decision promptly, there is a possibility that the property may be rented to someone else.
In cases where a suitable property has been found but there is a delay in viewing, Zetetick Housing (at our discretion) may place a holding deposit on the property to allow the tenant and their family time to approve. Please note that this deposit is non-refundable, and only one holding position will be granted per referral.

Do I need to pay a deposit?

In the majority of situations, we can secure a property without the necessity of paying a deposit. However, in instances where we come across a perfect property and the owner requests a deposit, Zetetick Housing has the capability to provide the funds. In such cases, we may charge tenants a pro-rata deposit as part of their tenancy.

Can we help select or find a property?

Certainly! We are more than happy to receive assistance from the tenant and/or their family. If a family wishes to participate in this process, we can offer them guidance and a budget to enable them to independently search for and visit properties. Once a suitable property has been identified, a quick phone call to Zetetick Housing is all that is required for us to step in and secure the property.

What happens if the property needs adapting?

Zetetick Housing works closely with the Local Authority and Support Provider to ensure that any necessary adaptations are provided. The funding for these adaptations will come from either the LA or Zetetick Housing.

What services and support do you provide?

Zetetick Housing was established with the sole aim of  supporting individuals who require assistance in maintaining a tenancy. The amount of support offered will be tailored to meet each individual’s specific needs. Our main objective is to ensure that tenants are able to fulfill their obligations under the tenancy agreement, providing all the appropriate support as necessary.

Can we choose the support provider?

The Local Authority is responsible for appointing the Support Provider and ensuring the Duty of Care. For Zetetick Housing to meet the criteria for exempt accommodation, the Support Provider must be one of our approved provider partners.

What happens if you have a neighbour dispute issue?

As part of our commitment to our tenants, we strive to assist them in living harmoniously within the community. Occasionally, this may result in neighbourly disagreements arising from various factors. Rest assured that Zetetick Housing, in collaboration with the Support Provider and Local Authority, will diligently work towards resolving and managing these issues to a satisfactory outcome.

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