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Farewell and a happy retirement to Judith Chambers

Sadly, we must say our farewells to Zetetick’s long standing Director of Housing, Judith Chambers, who will be leaving the organisation this autumn to retire. With her leadership in the Housing department, Zetetick has gone from strength to strength and grown substantially in no small part thanks to her nearly 10 years of service.

Judith Chambers at the Jubilee

Judith has been working in housing for nearly 40 years, first starting in supported housing and then around 20 years in general needs housing before returning back to supported housing. Since joining Zetetick in 2015 she has built meaningful relationships with many of our tenants, support workers, care managers and landlords – who we know will all be saddened by this news. Judith has over time rightfully earned her place as the heart and soul of our charity’s community.

Her dedication to our core values and her love for our tenants has been nothing short of exemplary. With her depth of experience, Zetetick has benefited greatly from her talents, skills and leadership. Without Judith’s important insights over the last decade, we wouldn’t have the housing services we have today.

“On behalf of everyone at Zetetick Housing, I want to express my deepest gratitude for Judith’s nearly 10 years of dedicated service as Director of Housing at Zetetick. Her commitment and leadership have made a lasting impact and we wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement.” – Jonathan Spencer, CEO.

In 2022, Judith was humbled and honoured to attend an exclusive garden party at Buckingham Palace. The mysterious nomination she received was unexpected for her but wholeheartedly earned. This highlighted how much Judith has achieved in going above and beyond the call of duty during her lifetime of important work across the housing sector. We believe this was a fitting tribute to a generous soul who has given much of her time and energy to helping others.

Judith Chambers at the Jubilee

Living in Thornton Heath with her husband, Judith has balanced her professional life with a busy personal one. An avid traveller and committed community member, Judith has always made a difference both in and out of work.

As we bid farewell to the extraordinary Judith Chambers, we do so with heartfelt and immense gratitude. Her impact on Zetetick, its growth and its community has been immeasurable. She leaves behind a legacy of care, professionalism and deep commitment to improving the lives of others. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and hope she continues to find joy with her family and travelling.

Judith, you will be missed!

About the author

Suzie is the Head of Business Development at the registered Charity Zetetick Housing
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